Funny Cookbook Miranda and Abby Authors

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The princess and the journalist.

London Holiday is a story about a European princess and a journalist and the lies they tell each other and frankly, I thought Jordan, the journalist, was a bit manipulative in the entire episode. Abby and Jordan get to know each other after an unfortunate incident leaves Abby high and out on the streets, but they each decide to keep their identities a secret from each other. Abby's reason is understandable but Jordan's deception has to do with integrity. Jordan is

The princess and the journalist.

London Holiday is a story about a European princess and a journalist and the lies they tell each other and frankly, I thought Jordan, the journalist, was a bit manipulative in the entire episode. Abby and Jordan get to know each other after an unfortunate incident leaves Abby high and out on the streets, but they each decide to keep their identities a secret from each other. Abby's reason is understandable but Jordan's deception has to do with integrity. Jordan is on the brink of being unemployed and the only hope of saving her job is to deliver a huge scoop. She stumbles upon Abby's true identity pretty early on but plays along without revealing her own identity to Abby in order to get the scoop she needs.

I know this sounds like a recipe for disaster and the makings of an angst-filled book, but it's really not. The mood is light like the other stories in the series and the conflict I thought would come, never came. Instead, this story put me in a holiday mood because the characters spend a day or two touring the streets of London and it was fun.

If anyone is wondering why this book is part of the Americans Abroad series, it's because both Abby and Jordan are Americans. Jordan works in London and part of the reason why she's anxious to keep her job is because she likes working in Europe. Abby grew up a Californian girl with her mother until recent events led her parents to reconcile and her being thrusted into European royalty.

I listened to the audiobook narrated by Stephanie Murphy and I think it's a good choice. Murphy's voice tends to give off a fairytale vibe, which in my opinion, suits this story.

This audiobook was given to me for free at my request and I am voluntarily leaving a review.

London Holiday is the latest installment in the American Abroad series. Every book can be read as a stand-alone. This story leans on the classic romance movie «Roman Holiday».

When Abby's mother marries her father, she's suddenly the heir of a small European kingdom. But Princess Abigail is struggling with the expectations and the royal protocol. When she's visiting London she takes the opportunity to run away for a few hours or maybe a few days. On the run, she meets the American journalist Jord

London Holiday is the latest installment in the American Abroad series. Every book can be read as a stand-alone. This story leans on the classic romance movie «Roman Holiday».

When Abby's mother marries her father, she's suddenly the heir of a small European kingdom. But Princess Abigail is struggling with the expectations and the royal protocol. When she's visiting London she takes the opportunity to run away for a few hours or maybe a few days. On the run, she meets the American journalist Jordan, which has just one shot to find a tell-all story or she's losing her job and her visa. Both hiding some important information about themselves. They have a wonderfully short time together with no chance for more, so they think. But sometimes a fairytale is becoming a reality.

The author did a great job in describing the surroundings, the city with all the details, I could picture London in my mind. Abby and Jordan are loveable characters with real-life problems, like losing a job or with the high expectations on a princess, a job Abby wasn't looking for. They had to deal with the consequences of their actions as they concerned their family or friends. But it wasn't with much angst or drama.

It is a very nice and sweet romance and despite that the story took place just over a few days, it didn't felt rushed or like insta love. Abby and Jordan had great chemistry and the attraction was believable. I enjoyed this book very much.

Recommended for romance and fairytales fans.
My rating 4.5 stars
Many thanks to the author for receiving an ARC for an honest review

MacLeod is always a fun read. She should be a screen writer, very funny and light hearted read. Also a bit of a London travel log.
If you're a fan of the movie "Chasing Liberty"- Mandy Moore and "What A Girl Wants" - Amanda Bynes 😱, likeable and sweet leads, touring the city of London, Tesco, Murphy bed, missing the last minute drama, and a story that provides entertainment (please leave your thinking and logic hat aside) + on KU, then why not. I bought it, the inner monologues were a pest but since I highlighted quite a few scenes and did laugh out loud at some of them so I will be rereading it. Not too bad.
If you're a fan of the movie "Chasing Liberty"- Mandy Moore and "What A Girl Wants" - Amanda Bynes 😱, likeable and sweet leads, touring the city of London, Tesco, Murphy bed, missing the last minute drama, and a story that provides entertainment (please leave your thinking and logic hat aside) + on KU, then why not. I bought it, the inner monologues were a pest but since I highlighted quite a few scenes and did laugh out loud at some of them so I will be rereading it. Not too bad.
Danika at The Lesbrary
Jordan is barely making ends meet as a journalist working at a scrappy local paper. She stays in a basement that barely has enough room to fold down the Murphy bed and is always slightly damp and cold. She loves her work, even if she is underpaid for it -- which is why it's such a blow when she finds out the paper has been sold to an Australian tabloid and will be pumping out trashy gossip stories from now on. She'll be out of a job soon, and will also lose her work visa, forcing her to return h Jordan is barely making ends meet as a journalist working at a scrappy local paper. She stays in a basement that barely has enough room to fold down the Murphy bed and is always slightly damp and cold. She loves her work, even if she is underpaid for it -- which is why it's such a blow when she finds out the paper has been sold to an Australian tabloid and will be pumping out trashy gossip stories from now on. She'll be out of a job soon, and will also lose her work visa, forcing her to return home to the U.S. Her last-ditch plan to stay in London is to find a tabloid-worthy story to write, convincing her new boss that she's worth keeping on staff, but she only has a few days to do it.

Abby is a reluctant royal: her parents (American mom, King of a small European country dad) getting back together and getting married has suddenly made her a princess, and she's having trouble adjusting to the highly regimented life. During a royal event, her lady in waiting gives her some pills to treat a headache, which don't combine well with champagne, and soon Abby finds herself lost and accidentally locked out of the building — without her wallet or phone. Instead of facing the humiliation of trying to convince the guards she's a princess (her photos have been kept out of the paper), she just keeps walking, disappearing into the London crowd, tiara and all.

That's when she bumps into Jordan, who quickly realizes her tenuous plans of a tabloid story will have to be put on hold to rescue this barely-conscious woman dressed as a princess. When they get back to Jordan's place and Abby has fallen asleep, Jordan opens up her laptop to look for story leads and finds a photo of Princess Abigail -- who looks identical to the woman currently asleep in her bed. The tabloid story of her dreams has fallen into her lap.

This is an F/F romance take on Roman Holiday, which I confess I have never seen. Instead, my cultural touchstones were Princess Diaries meets A Christmas Prince. From when I can tell, this retelling stays pretty true to the plot beats of Roman Holiday, at least until the last quarter of the book or so.

It's a fun story about a princess running away from her royal duties and a conflicted journalist torn between getting the story to save her job and staying true to her principles (and also getting the girl). Abby keeps meaning to return to her responsibilities, but she convinces herself to put it off for just an hour longer... one more day... maybe a week. While Abby and Jordan tour London, falling for each other and enjoying the sights, there's a sense of foreboding hanging over them. Jordan has a friend photographer trailing them, taking surreptitious shots of the princess. As they become closer, what will happen when Abby finds out about this dishonesty?

Despite that sense of dread, this stays a fairly light story -- even when I thought more conflict would have made sense (more on that later). Even without that, though, there's tension in Abby and Jordan's turmoil about their choices. Abby feels guilty about not wanting to do what her family expects of her but dreads the life set out ahead of her: "She could all but feel the weight of [the crown] on her head, her neck tensing as if about to snap." Jordan struggles to justify what she's doing as she and Abby get closer, and she can't deny the connection they have. At the same time, the idea of upturning either of their lives over someone they've only known for a few days (and that they're keeping secrets from) feels hard for them to take seriously as an option.

I find that sex scenes in romance novels are so particular for each reader, and this isn't a closed-door romance; it does have several on the page sex scenes. The writing style in these scenes didn't work for me, but that's just a personal preference. The sex scenes do bring up the issue that stuck in my mind while reading, which is also a spoiler:

(view spoiler)[With romance stories that rely on lies/hidden identities, I think there's always a question of what is ethical to do. Jordan sleeps with Abby without telling her about what she's been doing, which I was surprised by. If I was in Abby's situation, I would feel betrayed and used to find that out after the fact, and I think it's fair to assume that knowing that fact would affect whether Abby would have consented or not. Jordan knows that she's crossed a line after the fact, but she feels that means she can't write the story anymore, which seems to be enough for her. She's conflicted about whether she's going to confess at all.

For me, this was uncomfortable, especially because it's the first time they have sex. I also found it uncomfortable when Abby was drugged and undressing in front of Jordan as well as trying to initiate sex. While Jordan didn't do anything, she is attracted to Abby and reluctantly refuses, patting herself on the back for the decision and thinking about how many people would have slept with her in the same position. Being attracted to her even in that state I can understand, but I wouldn't congratulate myself too hard on not sleeping with a woman who can barely stay conscious.

Abby is surprisingly unfazed when she does find out (not from Jordan), and she doesn't seem to see it as a deal breaker, at least not since Jordan is visibly feeling guilty. (hide spoiler)]

I also wanted to give a warning for a one-off fatphobic line.

Despite the discomfort I had in that one aspect, I really enjoyed reading this. It's a fun tour of London plus a whirlwind romance, and I can't resist the princess in disguise trope. Also, this is such a small detail, but the little London chapter illustrations are very cute. If you also enjoy F/F princess romances, give this one a try!

This review was originally posted at the Lesbrary.

Lorraine Rusnack
I'v listened to all the books in the Americans abroad series and they're all wonderful I think Stephanie Murphy did a great job as always. I consider these romcom books.They are sweet romances and a lot of fun to read.
London Holiday demands a total suspension of disbelief, but delivers a wonderful lesbian rom com.

A newly minted princess called Abigail Mallard pulls an improbable run away while on an official royal trip to London. In a series of unlikely circumstances, she meets Jordan Baxter who is a principled but desperate reporter.

The two women embark on a three day whirlwind London Holiday. The plot and storyline telescope in this character driven romance. Abby, aka Ducky, and Jordan sparkle as the easy

London Holiday demands a total suspension of disbelief, but delivers a wonderful lesbian rom com.

A newly minted princess called Abigail Mallard pulls an improbable run away while on an official royal trip to London. In a series of unlikely circumstances, she meets Jordan Baxter who is a principled but desperate reporter.

The two women embark on a three day whirlwind London Holiday. The plot and storyline telescope in this character driven romance. Abby, aka Ducky, and Jordan sparkle as the easy going Americans touring London and exploring their feelings. I was happily swept up in MacLeod's modern fairytale and high concept lesbian romance. The Americans Abroad series keeps balancing the magic of tourism with the dream of the perfect HEA. It favours different variations that place the characters squarely on the ground, but with their heads in the clouds.

Pam Holzner
delightful! This is such a a sweet story and it's even better when Stephanie Murphy is the narrator! delightful! This is such a a sweet story and it's even better when Stephanie Murphy is the narrator! ...more
London Holiday was the latest book in Miranda MacLeod's Americans Abroad Series and it was just as entertaining as the others. The characters, an investigative reporter and a princess, each had to deal with realistic problems such as job stability and pressure. They also had to deal with their own personal conscientious beliefs surrounding those jobs and how it affected those they loved.
Since the story took place in London, Jordon took Abby to many of its famous historical sites such as The Towe
London Holiday was the latest book in Miranda MacLeod's Americans Abroad Series and it was just as entertaining as the others. The characters, an investigative reporter and a princess, each had to deal with realistic problems such as job stability and pressure. They also had to deal with their own personal conscientious beliefs surrounding those jobs and how it affected those they loved.
Since the story took place in London, Jordon took Abby to many of its famous historical sites such as The Tower of London and Churchill's Cabinet War Rooms. The writing was very descriptive and engaging… insomuch that I felt I was actually on the tour with them.
Overall, this was a fast paced read and highly recommended!
Lisa B
3.5 stars. Roman Holiday is one of my all time favourite films. It's an absolutely classic gem and I was concerned that this book would pale in comparison, or worse, treat it very badly. I needn't have worried. MacLeod has written a delightful book with the ending I think everyone was wishing for the original couple in the film.
I am reviewing the Audiobook version and I'm afraid I have had to knock half a star off because of the narration by Stephanie Murphy. As I have mentioned with other audi
3.5 stars. Roman Holiday is one of my all time favourite films. It's an absolutely classic gem and I was concerned that this book would pale in comparison, or worse, treat it very badly. I needn't have worried. MacLeod has written a delightful book with the ending I think everyone was wishing for the original couple in the film.
I am reviewing the Audiobook version and I'm afraid I have had to knock half a star off because of the narration by Stephanie Murphy. As I have mentioned with other audiobooks, she should just not narrate books that include British accents. She surpassed herself this time with her attempt at a Scottish accent. It is just so painful to listen to it spoils the book. Pity.
This story was an adventure through the city of London. I'm hoping to travel there someday, so reading this story gave me ideas on what to see while there! The main characters are cute together and the way they both try to hide their identities is a good addition to the story. I don't think I would make a good princess. So I felt bad for Abby and her wanting to be free of her duties. I was happy to find Jordan had a heart and ended up being the good person Abby thought she was. Overall, I enjoye This story was an adventure through the city of London. I'm hoping to travel there someday, so reading this story gave me ideas on what to see while there! The main characters are cute together and the way they both try to hide their identities is a good addition to the story. I don't think I would make a good princess. So I felt bad for Abby and her wanting to be free of her duties. I was happy to find Jordan had a heart and ended up being the good person Abby thought she was. Overall, I enjoyed Miranda's story of love in London! It was a quick enjoyable ride through London! ...more
Disclosure: I received a free copy of this audiobook.

I found this story of a journalist and a princess to be sweet. I had some difficulty getting into the story in the first chapter or two, but I think that was more on me than the author (a combination of me making assumptions that were incorrect as well as the fact that I probably wasn't listening as closely as I would be paid attention had I been reading the book myself).

Once I had our main characters clear in my mind, there was plenty to enjo

Disclosure: I received a free copy of this audiobook.

I found this story of a journalist and a princess to be sweet. I had some difficulty getting into the story in the first chapter or two, but I think that was more on me than the author (a combination of me making assumptions that were incorrect as well as the fact that I probably wasn't listening as closely as I would be paid attention had I been reading the book myself).

Once I had our main characters clear in my mind, there was plenty to enjoy as the two learned about each other and about the city. The circumstances of their meeting was funny and it was fun to imagine their London adventures. I was less fond of the length of time that (view spoiler)[they hid their true identities from each other (hide spoiler)], but that is probably my conflict-averse self preferring multiple small conflicts quickly resolved than waiting for a larger conflict that appears inevitable.

But this is a romance, so HEA and all's well that ends well. I am quite glad I got the chance to experience this book. I had previously read another in the series for a book club, but I will have to go back and read the books I've missed, too!

Totes ridiculous storyline but fun. TBH if you read the blurb you know it's not a documentary your reading so the ridiculous comment isn't actually a criticism. About a third of the way I wasn't enjoying the deception each character was playing on the other - or rather one of them in particular. Sure however that all will end well, I happilyish continued reading. Halfway through. deception on both sides still going on. Although not much time has passed in the novels time span I am kind of impati Totes ridiculous storyline but fun. TBH if you read the blurb you know it's not a documentary your reading so the ridiculous comment isn't actually a criticism. About a third of the way I wasn't enjoying the deception each character was playing on the other - or rather one of them in particular. Sure however that all will end well, I happilyish continued reading. Halfway through. deception on both sides still going on. Although not much time has passed in the novels time span I am kind of impatiently waiting for the shoe to drop. Not with tension of "oh it's an impossible situation, however will it be resolved" as the situation is so unlikely that there isn't really any tension for me as a reader. I felt the middle dragged on and was a bit flat. I was also concerned the reveal would be a big dramatic, destroying event ( I was wrong). At the beginning this was a 3 star. Half way through this was a 2 star. It creaked back to a 3 star as I liked the end resolution enough to regrade Overall a 3 star. You may rate it higher especially if you are looking for a light, angst free read. ...more
I found myself having a difficult time getting invested in this story than with any other books I have read by MacLeod. So, I decided to take it a chapter at a time and see where it went. Yep, glad I did. I was rewarded with a story that made me laugh, made me roll my eyes at the precarious situations in which Jordan and Abby found themselves and at times wanting to give them each a kick-start. This is a light-hearted romantic comedy for a day when you can put your feet up, have a glass of wine I found myself having a difficult time getting invested in this story than with any other books I have read by MacLeod. So, I decided to take it a chapter at a time and see where it went. Yep, glad I did. I was rewarded with a story that made me laugh, made me roll my eyes at the precarious situations in which Jordan and Abby found themselves and at times wanting to give them each a kick-start. This is a light-hearted romantic comedy for a day when you can put your feet up, have a glass of wine (or in my case, a hearty Guinness Extra Stout) and get ready to enjoy a few laughs. And who wouldn't want to date or marry a Princess! ...more
Ellen White
A story similar to a Roman Holiday with a twist or two. Abby was heir to a small European, while struggling with the regulations and protocol. Wanting freedom if only for a short time, she embarks on that while she was in London. Meeting Jordan brought challenges, fun, and both have secrets.
Good story to enjoy and laugh with Abby and Jordan. Given ARC audio which was good for my voluntary review and my honest opinion
Great novel about love vs integrity and money

What would you do when you meet a very drunken girl in a burlesque show in Soho (London)? You just list your job at a soon to be sleazy tabloid, but the woman turned out to be a princess? Falling madly in love in two days is unlikely to occur, hey this is a omance novel do reality leaves the planet. Its s fun and sweet read but what you expect from Ms Maclead. Spoiler there's an HEA ( it's a romance novel what do you expect?

Great novel about love vs integrity and money

What would you do when you meet a very drunken girl in a burlesque show in Soho (London)? You just list your job at a soon to be sleazy tabloid, but the woman turned out to be a princess? Falling madly in love in two days is unlikely to occur, hey this is a omance novel do reality leaves the planet. Its s fun and sweet read but what you expect from Ms Maclead. Spoiler there's an HEA ( it's a romance novel what do you expect?

I think Miranda is a very good writer and I adore most of her books, but not this one. Don't get me wrong, if you are in the mood for feel-good fluff, this is your book. It's well-written, cute and funny. It has a princess for goodness sake. 😊 I just felt it was a bit predictable and formulaic. I think Miranda is a very good writer and I adore most of her books, but not this one. Don't get me wrong, if you are in the mood for feel-good fluff, this is your book. It's well-written, cute and funny. It has a princess for goodness sake. 😊 I just felt it was a bit predictable and formulaic. ...more
Gina L

Not normally a fan of "Princess " stories but this had a nice flow to it. I loved the connection between the two. The down to earth feel to the story was sweet with just the perfect ending....

Doug Elliott
Basic princess running away tale, though getting accidentally drugged by her lady-in-waiting was a bit of a twist. The main characters make a cute couple and the story works within the suspended disbelief realm of these things. Cozy read with the expected HEA.
Tara Brown
**This review is for the audiobook on Audible.**

London Holiday: Americans Abroad, Book 5 by Miranda MacLeod, narrated by Stephanie Murphy is an entertaining and engaging romantic comedy that's full of adventure, surprise, and light-hearted fun. This is the first book I've listened to in the Amercians Abroad series, so I wasn't sure what to expect, mainly because I've never read a book about two lesbians who have a romantic interest in one another. I was pleasantly surprised! I'm so happy I decid

**This review is for the audiobook on Audible.**

London Holiday: Americans Abroad, Book 5 by Miranda MacLeod, narrated by Stephanie Murphy is an entertaining and engaging romantic comedy that's full of adventure, surprise, and light-hearted fun. This is the first book I've listened to in the Amercians Abroad series, so I wasn't sure what to expect, mainly because I've never read a book about two lesbians who have a romantic interest in one another. I was pleasantly surprised! I'm so happy I decided to add this one to my library because I thoroughly enjoyed listening to it. I love to travel, which is why I was originally drawn to this book. Needless to say, I loved exploring and learning about places I've never been before, alongside these two....and never once did they make me feel like a 3rd wheel. Hehee! Really, though, it is very well-written; the dialogue is excellent and the details are descriptive. Because I stayed smiling and laughing throughout, I definitely plan to check out the rest of the series!

This was also my first time listening to narrator Stephanie Murphy. I thought her performance was awesome, and she made my overall experience that much better. So much, in fact, that I forgot I was listening to a narrator tell the story! Isn't that the best?! She brought the events and characters to life and made me feel like I was part of the story. I loved it!

Overall, London Holiday: Americans Abroad, Book 5 by Miranda MacLeod, narrated by Stephanie Murphy gets a well-deserved 5/5 stars! I recommend this audiobook to those looking for a light and sweet romantic comedy, filled with adventure, laughs, and lots of fun.

Thank you for reading my review. I hope it was helpful. Happy listening! :-)

This was another excellent read in this collection. The story starts with Jordan, a reporter for a London news source called the Crier. The paper has just been bought out by a tabloid owner from Australia, putting Jordan and her fellow reporters on the edge of employment--unless they can find a juicy exclusive to feature in the new tabloid. Recognizing the prospects of unemployment and dwindling resources, Jordan decides to find the perfect exclusive.

Meanwhile, Abby, aka Princess Abigail, is pre

This was another excellent read in this collection. The story starts with Jordan, a reporter for a London news source called the Crier. The paper has just been bought out by a tabloid owner from Australia, putting Jordan and her fellow reporters on the edge of employment--unless they can find a juicy exclusive to feature in the new tabloid. Recognizing the prospects of unemployment and dwindling resources, Jordan decides to find the perfect exclusive.

Meanwhile, Abby, aka Princess Abigail, is preparing for a State meal that evening in Kensington Palace. Abby is far from enjoying her role as a princess, given that she feels she has no life or independence. Abby's anxiety is palpable as she is dressed up as if a doll. Along with some champagne, her countess soon gives Abby meds to ease her fears. Abby soon finds herself affected by the mixture and becomes lost, somehow finding herself outside and swept up with tourists.

Thus begins a hilarious sequence of events where Jordan meets Abby in a burlesque theater. The story unfolds from here, in which the true identities and occupations of each are unknown to the other. They slowly realize their special attraction, connection, and respect for each other, and the need to be true to themselves.

I love MacLeod as a lesfic author because she is so skilled at developing her story's characters, their relationships, and her ability to evoke copious laughter in some scenes and joy, smiles, grins, sadness, and tears in others. I look forward to diving into some of the other stories in this collection (I have read Holme for the Holidays twice!).

Mari Stark
What I like of Miranda's style is the fluidity for romantic comedy. It is always a treat and a great way to spend a good time, having a very gratifying reading. She never fails to put a smile on my face. This one is the fifth instalment of the Americans abroad series and it is inspired in the movie "Roman Holiday".

Abby was a happy California girl, but when her parents finally got married, she becomes the heir of her father's little European Kingdom. But she is feeling out of her element. One ni

What I like of Miranda's style is the fluidity for romantic comedy. It is always a treat and a great way to spend a good time, having a very gratifying reading. She never fails to put a smile on my face. This one is the fifth instalment of the Americans abroad series and it is inspired in the movie "Roman Holiday".

Abby was a happy California girl, but when her parents finally got married, she becomes the heir of her father's little European Kingdom. But she is feeling out of her element. One night there's an unusual incident that takes her to the city, where she is rescued by an American journalist. Jordan is about to lose her job and as consequence her visa. As soon as they met sparks fly all over, but neither reveal who they really are. The big question is if they will make it through the lies and real life.

It is a very beautiful, sweet story. Has very lovable characters with a glimmering chemistry and growing attraction. The description of the places they visit is very detailed and delightful, like being there. I enjoyed it very much and their misadventures made me laugh so much.

It's a light and funny comedy, a real cute story. I loved the growth of the main characters, and the build-up of the romance. It is undoubtedly a wonderful fairy tale.

It is a very enjoyable read that I'd like to recommend.

I received an ARC copy of the book from the author and voluntarily leaving my review.

Monique S.
I was hoping for a comedy here and the blurb sounded like it could be, but one thing just just put me off instantly, Jordan's self expressed intention to do anything to be able to stay in London, even write trash for money.

My father was a journalist and a spy and given what journalism has become these days we are living, I have a very hard time trying to think of anything worse than unethical, not to say dishonest, journalists! This may seem harsh, but I have met during my year in London in the

I was hoping for a comedy here and the blurb sounded like it could be, but one thing just just put me off instantly, Jordan's self expressed intention to do anything to be able to stay in London, even write trash for money.

My father was a journalist and a spy and given what journalism has become these days we are living, I have a very hard time trying to think of anything worse than unethical, not to say dishonest, journalists! This may seem harsh, but I have met during my year in London in the mid seventies, a young American journalist, who was on a work visa and never shrunk away from any kind of job in between true journalistic work, to keep his visa. Any HONEST kind of work, that was. Put on top of that, that at the time I was working at a pub in Holland park and living exactly where the basement of Jordan is situated in the story, I just hate her character and don't care for any further development.

DNF at page 53.

What a fun little book! Need a beach read or a nod to fairy tales with a twist? This is it. Though it was a little predictable, I still couldn't go to sleep until 3:00 in the morning as I wanted to see what would happen.

In our crazy cyber-gossipy world, a princess and a journalist fall in love, quite by accident. Fun and adventure happen, lots of London is explored.

Beyond these words, I am afraid I will ruin your discovery of this gem if I tell you more. This book was just a lightweight read to

What a fun little book! Need a beach read or a nod to fairy tales with a twist? This is it. Though it was a little predictable, I still couldn't go to sleep until 3:00 in the morning as I wanted to see what would happen.

In our crazy cyber-gossipy world, a princess and a journalist fall in love, quite by accident. Fun and adventure happen, lots of London is explored.

Beyond these words, I am afraid I will ruin your discovery of this gem if I tell you more. This book was just a lightweight read to fill the moments between heavier books. I probably won't read it again but I am now a fan of this author and will read more by her. Enjoy!

The lost princess is rescued by a fellow American.

Finding out that she may be a Queen in waiting and suddenly finding herself lost in London almost unhinges the young Queen in waiting. She is rescued by a fellow American who is also a reporter. The reporter knows who she is but the future Queen is unaware of what her rescuer does for a living. What follows is story that some reporters may or maybe not never wish happens to them, do they turn the story in or choose to bury it? Enjoy!

London Holiday

An update of a princess meeting a commoner(journalist).This was funny at times. A princess who only months ago was living in America until her father married her mother and now she is royalty. She is attending an event when her lady-in-waiting gives her some pills,she wanders off feeling dizzy and the next thing she is outside and decides to explore. Now the fun begins.
Miranda Macleod (author) did a good job writing this and certainly knows how to make you laugh. Recommend yes

This was an engaging story. The dialogue was crisp and expressive. Jordan and Abby's chemistry was evident at first meeting. The only thing saving Abby from performing burlesque was her over medicated state and Jordan, at the club only for interviews. I had to laugh at the entire episode. The three days passed with me reading about the many locations to visit during a visit to London. Reading the love story developing between the two women was enjoyable. I'd recommend this well written book to o This was an engaging story. The dialogue was crisp and expressive. Jordan and Abby's chemistry was evident at first meeting. The only thing saving Abby from performing burlesque was her over medicated state and Jordan, at the club only for interviews. I had to laugh at the entire episode. The three days passed with me reading about the many locations to visit during a visit to London. Reading the love story developing between the two women was enjoyable. I'd recommend this well written book to others to read. ...more
This is #5 in the Americans Abroad Series. Once again the author has written an easy read with believable ups and downs. Her storyline with leads Abby (Princess Abigail) and Jordan (journalist) is smartly sketched with London descriptions transporting you there while you are reading. Drama, angst, and romance blended well into another McLeod hit. Recommend with 4.5 stars. Copy rec'd from the author (through Book Funnel) for a voluntary review.
This is #5 in the Americans Abroad Series. Once again the author has written an easy read with believable ups and downs. Her storyline with leads Abby (Princess Abigail) and Jordan (journalist) is smartly sketched with London descriptions transporting you there while you are reading. Drama, angst, and romance blended well into another McLeod hit. Recommend with 4.5 stars. Copy rec'd from the author (through Book Funnel) for a voluntary review.
Patricia OHara
Unique storyline

This was a charming story and the main characters were presented well. The storyline stayed true throughout this story, and provided the reader with a bit of humor throughout this book. Some of the problems Abby encounters are priceless and Jordan coming to her rescue albeit not voluntary at the beginning mad the story. Overall a good read that this reader thoroughly enjoyed.

Originally from southern California, Miranda now lives in New England and writes heartfelt romances and romantic comedies featuring witty and charmingly flawed women that you'll want to marry. Or just grab a coffee with, if that's more your thing. Before becoming a writer, she spent way too many years in graduate school, worked in professional theater and film, and held temp jobs in just about eve Originally from southern California, Miranda now lives in New England and writes heartfelt romances and romantic comedies featuring witty and charmingly flawed women that you'll want to marry. Or just grab a coffee with, if that's more your thing. Before becoming a writer, she spent way too many years in graduate school, worked in professional theater and film, and held temp jobs in just about every office building in downtown Boston. To find out about her upcoming releases, be sure to sign up for her mailing list or follow her on Goodreads! ...more

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